So what are the main reasons why girls lie in being virgins when they are not?
1. Age Factor
A girl of 17-19 years of age is most likely to lie about her virginity. She thinks she would be considered a careless person if somebody knows that she is not yet a virgin.
2. That Is What Guys Love To Hear
Some girls lie about their virginity because they assume that is what we want to hear. Most dudes tend to hold firmly unto ladies the moment they realize they are truly virgins & barely play pranks on them just to get under their skirts because they know what it entails. However, an average lady would lie about being a virgin in an attempt to look more fragile, innocent, pure and respected.
3. She Doesn't Want To Be Pestered For Sex
We are in an era where lust and intimacy is the order of the day. Girls want to differentiate those who truly love you and those who only want to get under your skirt. That’s why she would lie if she got to know that a man is just desperate for sex.
4. She Wants To Scam You
Many ladies lie about their virginity because they want to use that as a leverage to get you scammed. They will screw you up & get you dumped as quickly as possible when they know you will most likely get to know the truth.
5. She Did It Only Once
A girl who had it only once and desist from it for a very long time still considers herself as technically a virgin and will most likely claim to be one because she believes she still as tight as a virgin and thinks no one would feel the difference, only a professional dude will get to know when he gets in there.
6. She Is Afraid Of The Society’s Reaction
Some people react badly when they learn a woman is not a virgin. Hence, ladies would rather not deal with that reaction & may lie to avoid critics because of the fear of being chastised or castigated.
7. She Wants To Portray a Good Image
Girls lie about their past and the number of boos is not an exception. They are worried it will make you look down at them and they don't want it to mar their chances of having you or change the way you feel about them.
8. They Think That Their Virginity Is A Treasure
Almost all chicks consider their virginity as an important accessory. Take it or leave it, almost all chicks will lie about being a virgin if they get the feeling that virginity crap matters to you. She might think you would love her more or the fact that her virginity would make her more attractive to you.
9. You Are Not Her Boyfriend
An average non virgin lady is a TIGER & will tear you to pieces when you ask if she is one. She is like, "Are you my boyfriend?", and if she decides to tell you, she will lie about it because she knows that your chance of getting to know the truth is next to nill. The funniest thing is that, even if you are her boyfriend, she might still lie to you especially when you are in a NO SEX RELATIONSHIP.
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