Tuesday 10 March 2015

Woman Who Dies Thirty Six Times a Year

Sara Brautigam was four years ago diagnosed with Postural orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS), a condition which makes her heart stop beating.

The 21-year-old has regular brushes with death and in one year was pronounced clinically dead 36 times.

Ms Brautigam, from Doncaster, said each time her heart stops medics have to inflict pain on her to shock her into coming back to life.
She said: 'When it happens paramedics try and do anything to inflict pain to try and shock me into coming back to life.
'A lot of the time I'll wake up with big bruises. On one occasion they ripped an acrylic nail off but that still didn't make me flinch.'
She also suffers joint hypermobility syndrome which means her joints are more prone to injury and dislocation.
The two combined resulted in her visiting A&E a staggering 64 times in one year.
She said: 'There are signs before it happens - I'll feel dizzy or sick and really tired and then I feel as though I'm falling asleep.I can hear everything around me and feel as though I'm trying to shout but nothing is coming out.
'They say when you die your hearing is the last thing to go and that's been my experience. After an attack I'll wake up and my chest will be killing and I'm really tired.
'I get asked it quite a lot, but there is definitely no bright light. Everything just goes black.
'You can still hear things and there is a voice in my head that is still active and still conscious and it is trying to communicate with those around me. I can remember what people are saying when I black out but have no other awareness of what's going on.'

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